Monday, September 3, 2007

Goal Complete!

Took a few weeks longer than I had expected, but I got it done. Pretty big day for me. I will keep updating the blog periodically, but I doubt I'll give daily updates for a little while. If anyone has ideas for another goal let me know. I may start one up again in a few weeks
Maybe I'll write a little more about this goal being over later... Funny hand. Weird hand, but when he insta leads the turn, I'm not sure what I can beat? I kinda froze as to what to do, but I didn't want any card coming on the turn to kill my action. Big pot for me. If there was ever an "easy" fold with KK preflop, this was it. What a dream flop. I guess I could have checked.. but look at all those people!

Yesterday's Net +$880
Total Goal Left $0


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well done :)

I'd be interested in hearing updates wrt your move to Vegas and how things work out over there.

GL :)

Anonymous said...

zzzzz no more entries

Jamie said...

In the moving process. Maybe i'll clue some people in soon.

Anonymous said...

Yo kid. Have a safe trip out to vegas. My first assignment may involve some travel out to the west coast, so hopefully I'll make it out there for a weekend at some point and we can tear shit up.

Anonymous said...

great job. i knew you could do it.