Thursday, August 16, 2007


6,431 Since 8/14

So things have taken a turn for the worse, and I really don't even feel like posting all the hands. They really aren't very interesting at all for the most part, which is I guess a good thing. The fact that I have fewer and fewer questions is positive. Let's see if I can turn this around, I haven't had 3 losing days in a row like this since April. Everything kinda just looked like this.

Net since 8/14 -$906
Total Goal Left $1,935


Anonymous said...

You got your money in good, and he couldn't have played those Aces any worse IMO. No way you can get away from that. Even if an Ace hadn't fallen on the river, he would have called....

Keep grinding and making the right decisions, the money will take care of itself ;)

Jamie said...

Thanks bud!