Monday, April 2, 2007

Avoiding a bad start

So I was starting to think I'd start every month off with a bad session, but I stuck it out for a break even day which is great cause I was -$500 in the first hour. Fulltilt played like usual, get your kings in bad against a baby set on a dry board. Get your baby set in against aces and win a bit pot. Get your nut straight in vs the 2nd nut straight. Get your KT in vs AT on TTx in a limped pot. I played at my friends house so I haven't imported my hand histories yet. There really isn't much interesting to see I don't think, minus one baller laydown on the flop by me. I'll post it later.

One thing I've been having trouble with lately is the chat box on full tilt. I've noticed a lot of the same faces from solid players and I've tried chatting with them. I think it would help to develop some sort of relationship with the pro's at my limit. Anyway, when you hit enter in the chat box, and it becomes your action, you end up putting in a min raise. 3 times this week I min raised while trying to chat, and one time I min reraised preflop. A real bummer but luckily I didn't lose too much because of it. I actually ended up luckboxing on the hand I 3 bet by accident and hit a big flop. I'm going to have to pay more attention so this doesn't happen again though.

Sunday's Net -$14
Total Goal Left $17,205
(mini weekly goal left $68)


ThePhenom919 said...

what is the 17k goal a part of? Haven't read the blog for that long...

Jamie said...

So basically, the 20k goal is the amount of money I need in addition to my bankroll in order to move out to las vegas. So yeah, sooner I get there, the better. August is the target.