Monday, March 26, 2007

PT stat post

I wasn't able to play cards for a couple days. That's OK though. Today I put in a good session and was surprised with my PT stats at the end. I really thought I was running close to 22% vpip, but apparently not. I guess playing multiple tables makes it very deceiving when it comes to how many hands you are actually playing. I'm not too worried about the snugness of my play as of recent. I think I'm adjusting very well to Full Tilt. ("If it ain't broke, don't fix it" cliche' omitted.) I also got poker grapher which is pretty cool. I'll be putting up some of those soon too.

Some hands.

1. I just found this hand quite amusing. I guess I put the perfect bet out on the turn. He turned out drawing to none.

2. Pretty standard stuff here, although I'm finding that I'm doing a much better job picking that "perfect number." Actually putting opponents on hands really helps when you are trying to extract value. Who would have thought. Thanks to the dealer for no action kill card on the river.

3. Hands like this make the difference between a break even session, and a solid winning session. I was cheering pretty hard for the three.

4. One more slightly amusing pot. I went for the gangster call getting 1.5:1 here. I didn't win the pot though, so rigged.

Today's Net +$517
Total Goal Left $17,751

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