Sunday, March 18, 2007

One Good Hour

So today I drove home to NY for spring break. I hung around with my mom and dad and played guitar hero and drove to Jersey with a friend. I didn't think I was going to end up playing any poker today but I decided to put in an hour 3 tabling on my laptop (ultra shitty overlap.) Boy was that a good idea. Not only is it a weekend, but it's st. Patty's day too. And it really payed off. Here are some hands, but no pokertracker stats cause macs suck for poker. The session started with me fucking up, but then losing less than max. I complete in the sb with 89o which isn't horrible I GUESS, but then I decide to call the raise OOP. I mean, I guess he has a deep stack but wtf Jamie. So I flop huge and check raise and he puts in a 3 bet just ASKING for a call. I oblige and then check call the turn. Good thing I'm super horrible, and my OP blows worse. BTW I didn't get stacked cause my D game still pwns this guy. (No more L33T talk I swear.....) Proof that one pair can actually win in NL holdem against a pitcher of beer for an opponent. Tough hand with aces here. My opps range is pretty wide preflop. He basically wont fold any two face cards, but I'm not ready to double him up here. I can find a better spot. I told you I could find a better spot. SHIP IT. Here is a huge pot. Enough with the utg min raise with big pairs then insta calling. He called so fast preflop I had to give him credit for a big hand. So I lead out huge with top set and get paid. BAAAAALLLLIIIIIN!

There was one other hand that got lost cause I don't have pokertracker on here. Guy raises MP I reraise on button with AA and he insta calls. Flop is KQT rainbow and he check raises my $30 to $92. I folded. My thoughts with the 2 ace folds was that in order to get check raised, my OPP has to have a big hand. And if I put my OPP on a range of big hands, AK is really the worst big hand he can have there. So assuming he is going with the hand I'm not getting a good price with AA there. Poker is hard.

Today's Net +$618
Total Goal Left $19,127

1 comment:

joe said...

hey, good luck on your goal. i'm still working my way up to 1/2. right now i do two tables of .5/1.00 so i guess that's equal to one table of 1/2.

i'll keep on eye on you.